If your school / organisation would like to get involved. You can start your collection box point in your school or place of work. You can use our support logo. Either print off our posters or make your own creative design And stick it on a box .
It’s great to ask for cut open and washed packets. Sadly we can’t pay your postage and we can only accept prepared packets at HQ
Most of our CPP Suppor groups prefer them all washed and cut open so that they can crack on making these items.
You can find an CPP group to find in our link page or please do get making and creating yourselves.
Your welcome to keep your washed prepared crisp packets and start ironing them in to strips either send them to your local group in strips of 4 , please fold these up rather than roll them this really helps us . Or maybe start making grids of 1x4 strips ready to put your plastic on for us . It doesn’t take long to learn how to make a crisp packet survival item all our instructions and information videos are on here for free. Also on our YouTube channel link. If you need more help or your school organisation would like a demonstration. For a small donation you can email to book your zoom meeting.
You’re very welcome to jump on board and start up your own CPP Support Group Facebook . We have just changed this from a CPP Area Group ,a CPP Support Group can be as productive as you would like all independently run all voluntary .
It could be a social media platform for CPP sharing information or you can go full out and make items and run workshops . This is completely up to you.
Please see all the information on this page regarding using our name. This is free to use and make your own CPP Facebook group page up . 🌟But Please do Register your group . ⭐ You can then join our private group organisers page on Facebook that can help you with advice every step of the way. You can use any information thats on our website regarding how to make the items, some group photos are not ours to share. You are welcome to start your own page with out using our name but please only use linked photos to our website/ YouTube channel. Also this is not to make money from this is a community project so please don’t exploit this wonderful project for your own gain.
We have now been running zooms demonstrations for some time now this helps us to keep our project running .
These are hosted by Pen Huston founder of the project and designer these crisp packets items. These zooms are for for your organisation, clubs or school. These run 30m £20 minimum donation to our project to Keep
our mission going. Please email your times and dates that would be convenient for you and we will get back to you ASAP. We look forward to meeting you all.
If you are doing your DofE awards, which ever level you are at, bronze, silver or gold. Why not get involved in the CPP for your volunteering section. You can take part as an individual, group or school. Please get in touch with your DofE leader and will be happy to be your assessor.
We have lots of videos below to get you started and all our instructions and diagrams are under our how to make section., CPP instructions.
How to cut your crisp packet open
How to make a crisp packet survival sheet
Wash your crisp packets once open in warm soapy water or place them in a pillow case tide up with a band on a warm wash no hotter than 30 degrees then hang them out on your washing line or towel dry.
What's the best thickness and how and where to source it.
The first video in the bevy sleeping bag series
Less crisp packets, easier and quicker to make
16 Crisp Packet draw string bag
Copyright © 2025 Crisp Packet Project CIC / TArtShack - All Rights Reserved.
Join us, Support us each month on Patreon. We will be showing you behind the scenes, exciting information on what we are creating and getting up too, This will be the first stop on sharing out any progress on our project here at CPP HQ in Hastings Uk. Just for a price of a cuppa coffee each month you will be supporting us, helping towards our mission so that we can keep helping others and the fight against one use plastic waste.